Thursday, August 25, 2011

When Sleep Won't Come

So here it is. 2a.m. and I cannot sleep. When I try my mind starts. I have gotten up and played the piano. Usually that helps calm me. But not tonight. I will pay dearly at work for not sleeping. I have tossed and turned. Instead of counting sheep I talked to the shepherd. And got wound up.

Yes I now have a sermon on my mind and can't sleep. Everytime I close my eyes I think of something else. Plans and sermons and songs.

Kelly, the things we talked about yesterday are things I have already thought of many times. I would so LOVE to do those things. But is it fear that keeps us from doing them? Not enough faith?

Jeremiah 33:3 Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. KJV

Maybe I need to call again......

Love ya,


  1. Maybe we just aren't ready yet. If it is meant to happen, it will fall into place :) And yeah, you will pay dearly today lol. I went to sleep at 11:30 and I nearly didn't get out of the bed lol

  2. Yeah I know when we are ready it will happen...Guess I'm trying to rush it
