Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Where did they go ?

The other day while at work I realized something. In 7 months and a few days I will be 50 years old! Where did the years go? How did I get this old? Seems that one day I was going to 1st grade and now this. 50.Years. Old.

Now I know 50 is not "that" old. Some say life starts at 50. I really hope so because I got to thinking, "What have I done with my life.?" And the answer is not much. Don't get me wrong. I have had a good life. I was married, have 2 of the best sons in the world, who I love dearly and would do anything for. I have 2 sisters and 3 nieces a brother in law and 2 daughters in law who I love so much. And I have and had good parents and grandparents. I've been blessed with love.

But what have I done to help somebody, to make the world a better place?
Got the same answer. Not much. So I have decided to change. Change my thinking and my attitude. I've decided to come up with a 'bucket list'so to speak. Don't get all upset Kelly because it's a bucket list. I'm not being morbid. It's just things I want to do to improve my life, to get the most out of life. Life is way too short it seems sometimes.

James 4:14 Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.

So on this note and with this mindset, I am going to start living my life to the fullest.

I'm gonna pray more, read my Bible more, listen to God more.
I will sing praises to God, and go out and dance in the yard...maybe even in the rain:)

Laugh more, love more, play more. And praise God more!

Embrace life! Accept change! And Praise Praise Praise!!!!

Love, Kathy


  1. HUZZAH!!!!

    LOL, glad to know you aren't morbid ;)

    I told Brandon the other day that this is the only 8/11/11 we will have.... so we should make it the best we can be

  2. BTW, thank you so much for linking to 'Thankful Tuesday'.... eventhough you didn't technically link back ;) *SMOOCH*
